Obama's Dream Team to Tear Down the United States

With the Clinton Administration of the 1990s, many of us were tempted to believe it wasn’t possible to form a more corrupt, immoral and anti-American group of bureaucrats than did Bill Clinton.

President Barack Obama is proving that belief to be incorrect.

A couple of month ago I took a look at assemblage of advocates of immorality Obama is putting together at the Department of Justice. From nominees like Thomas J. Perrelli, Elena Kagan, Dawn Johnson and David Ogden, you have a collection of the morally bankrupt who will provide legal defense to pornographers, refuse to warn women about the dangers of abortion, consider childbirth worse than an abortion, fight parental rights, refuse to protect children from porn in libraries, protect brutal murderers from justice, who believe the original intent of our laws and Constitution should be disregarded when convenient, who believe the disabled should be killed and gotten out of the way, who work to undermine military strength, who believe homosexual self-actualization is more important than military readiness, and who view an unborn child as hostile toward its mother. With a collection like this, the Department of Justice should be renamed to the “Department of Death.”

Then there is the Obama Administration’s move to produce a corps of immoral health care professionals. President Obama wants to remove protections provided to health care workers which allow them to refuse medical treatment their conscience tells them is immoral and/or unhealthy. Who would have thought 30 years ago that someone might consider it a good thing for doctors and health care professionals (people we trust with our health and our very lives) to ignore right and wrong?

President Obama has also nominated two radical pro-abortion nominees to run the Department of Health: Tom Daschle and Kathleen Sebelius. That would give us two Departments of Death.

And don’t forget the war on the average American and America’s energy production with Obama’s cap-and-trade scheme to tax the living daylights out of Americans and bankrupt the coal industry.

The Obama administration is also hard at work to undermine the United States against foreign threats as well. From Department of Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano’s hypothetical “White Flag” terrorist alert system, to relegating the War on Terror to the Unpleasant Afterthought, to the reclassification of “enemy combatants” to “misunderstood persons”, to the Administration’s naivete on the belligerent nation of Iran, to Obama’s plans to gut the military, one has to wonder if defending the country is a priority at all for Obama.

Now we learn in the New York Post that Obama has nominated someone with more foreign loyalty than American loyalty to be the State Department’s legal adviser: Harold Koh.

From the Post:

JUDGES should interpret the Constitution according to other nations’ legal “norms.” Sharia law could apply to disputes in US courts. The United States constitutes an “axis of disobedience” along with North Korea and Saddam-era Iraq.

Those are the views of the man on track to become one of the US government’s top lawyers: Harold Koh.

This Koh character sounds like a European socialist. He doesn’t sound like an American at all!

Try this on for size:

Koh has also praised the Nicaraguan Sandinistas’ use in the 1980s of the International Court of Justice to get Congress to stop funding the Contras. Imagine such international lawyering by rogue nations like Iran, Syria, North Korea and Venezuela today, and you can see the danger in Koh’s theories.

Koh, a self-described “activist,” would plainly promote his views aggressively once at State. He’s not likely to feel limited by the letter of the law — in 1994, he told The New Republic: “I’d rather have [former Supreme Court Justice Harry] Blackmun, who uses the wrong reasoning in Roe [v. Wade] to get the right results, and let other people figure out the right reasoning.”

Yes, let’s ignore reason and law and Constitution; what really matters is that, like 5-year-olds, we simply get what we want.

Still more from Meghan Clyne at the Post:

He’s a fan of “transnational legal process,” arguing that the distinctions between US and international law should vanish.

You know, maybe when the rest of the world can find it in itself to rise to the level of moral cognizance seen in the United States (which, granted, isn’t what it used to be), when the rest of the world embraces freedom like the United States, when the rest of the world embraces justice like the United States, when the rest of the world embraces the free market like the United States (which, granted, isn’t what it used to be), maybe then we can think about possibly allowing distinctions between the US and international law to vanish.

Until then, I see no reason whatsoever by any definition of sanity at all that the United States should lower itself to the abominable standard of law, justice, freedom and morality seen in most of the world.

As for this Koh character, could we find someone more hostile to America and American sovereignty if we went to some place like Iran or North Korea and recruited one?

That someone with the anti-American opinions held by Koh should be considered for a key position of influence in the United States government should be an outrage and affront to every patriotic American.

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